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Greg Alba

Creator, Host, & G-Fuel Sommelier

I am the creator of the reel rejects so now I'm going to create everyone's bios.


John Humphrey

Co-Host, King of the Andals & the First Men

He has known Greg since 3rd grade and is now stuck as the "Spock" "Dwight Schrute" "Batgirl" of his life. He is known for his use of big words IE vocabulary, and his long hair which looks nicer on camera than in person. Ladies love him. 


Coy Jandreau

Co-Host, Spider-Man before his Uncle Ben dies

This man never shuts up. And people love him for it. He knows comics better than anyone else in the business, loves to work out, and constantly never shuts up about how great he is at it. This may sound like I'm making fun of him, but any amount of attention he gets is good enough as long as he is the center of it!


Sally LoMonaco

Original Reject, Mary Jane Watson's Evil Twin, Spiritual Salamander 

They say in the era of cancel culture it's best if you're a male employer to watch the jokes you make around your female or "lady" employees - not the case with Sally! 
NOTE: This is only between her and I. Anyone else treats her this way your ass is cancelled. 

(Insert that same joke about being an actress and not attending blah blah)


Roxy Striar

Comedic legend, presumably Larry David's niece

Jewish. Never talks about her dating life publicly. Claims she never talks about pooping. Is often seen on every movie related channel not talking about being Jewish, her dating life, and DEFINITELY not pooping. She's also an actress or something - apparently she's really talented and keeps saying I don't show up to enough of her s**t. LIES!


Tara Erickson

Vampire, Comedy Legend, Definitely Not Involved In Pizzagate

60 years old, with the body of a 12 year old, and the energy of that animal in ice age who keeps trying to get that nut. She's also an actress or comedian or something - apparently she's really talented and keeps saying I don't show up to enough of her s**t. LIES! 


Aaron Alexander

Enjoys long walks on the beach

I told him I needed at least one black guy on the channel and he agreed to these terms. Often breaks out into his poetry which can draw quite the crowd due to how moving it is, which is generally followed by me saying "thats not what you're paid here to do."


Andrew Gordon

That Guy

Jew #2. When we saw Avengers Endgame together he kept vocally predicting every moment and line seconds before it happened ruining the 3 hour experience. This is a true story. 


Michael Tessler

Accidental Star Wars Influencer, Television Academy member, Greg's true love

the first Star Wars Jewish character, a force-sensitive hero of ancient lineage using their lightsaber and wisdom to protect the galaxy.


*Written by ChatGPT*

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